
Wipe away your tears and learn to laugh through pain; To engross yourself in life’s suffering will cause you to wither away. Like dews, tears mostly fall during dark moments, Yet they refresh life with the hope there will be a new day. Take bad things and make them laugh That’s what the people of … More Tragicomedy


Lies are confidants of truth. Everyone at some point in life confides in lies to protect his or her most vulnerable truth. Like the atmosphere which protects the earth from external harm, lies were initially used by humans to protect us from being harmed by external forces–other humans. Mother Nature gave us lies to use … More Speaks


I I am imagination; I stretch so far beyond the senses That no one dares to believe I am real. For the human eyes wear myopic lenses, Making the essence of who I’m difficult to reveal. Though ignorance surrounds me like fences, My truth extends beyond the limits of the mind. So follow me and … More Imagination

Blind spots.

Man more resembles the image of an iceberg than the image of a god, with most of his mind submerged in the unknown subconsciousness and only the surface of his body is visible to his eyes. Like an iceberg, man is a partly known yet mostly unknown being. Even the image of his own face … More Blind spots.


Crossroads are the main roads on the journey of life, Where the destinies of strangers intersect And intimate ties shatter in search of other prospects. Every few miles on the road of life lies a crossroad, where destiny always pulls me one way, and freewill pulls me another, While fear holds me back, for paths … More Crossroad


Withered meadows come to life, Sticking out Blades of green grass from the earth Like the heads of groundhogs with the coming of spring. Spring awakes Mother Earth from her winter slumber, Enlivening her with the refreshing aura it brings; Her foliage brightened with colours as beautiful as the rainbow, Her mood lightens like a … More Spring